Our Online Book Catalogues.

[002856] Sinclair, Sir Jean George Tollemache. "Pleurs et Sourires" (2 vols).. Paris: Dentu, 1885. First. Two matching thick volumes, superbly bound in three-quarter vellum by R S Buffery, 21 Wells St. Oxford STW, with his imprint. Spine heavily gilt decorated, all edges gilt, marbled boards and eps. Volume 1: 839 pp + 22 pp Index. Volume 11: 853 pp + 22 pp "Opinions des critiques sur les ouvrages de l'auteur". All in French. There are three original sepia prints pasted in the eps. They are all of Thurso Castle. Each volume bears an inscription dated "May 23rd 1885", with the inscription itself blanked out. It would be interesting to research if baronet Sir Jean George Tollemache Sinclair owned Thurso Castle. The rear board to volume 1 shows a small 1 cm blemish, otherwise the set is perfect. The volumes were published by "Librairie de la Societe des Gens de Lettres" and contain original translations of English prose and poetry. Sir John George Tollemache Sinclair, the 3rd baronet, was M P for Caithness constituency from 1869 to 1885 . Born 8 November 1825. Died 30 September 1912 he was a Scottish politician and landowner. Interestingly, he was the earliest born person to have made a gramophone disc recording. He made titles for Columbia, Gramophone and Typewriter Ltd. and Odeon, all in 1906. He also commissioned a statue of Mary Queen of Scots at 143-144 Fleet Street, London. [Thurso Castle, was built in 1665 by George Sinclair, 6th Earl of Caithness. It later became the Seat of Sir John Sinclair, 1st Baronet, who erected a new structure, designed as a castle or fortress. It was restored and enlarged in 1806 and 1835. The current structure, a Victorian Gothic ruin, was built in 1872 and demolished in 1952. Our images would appear to originate from 1885, by association with a handwritten date on the first ep]. £185.00. SOLD.

Click Here for our Catalogue 1. "Antiquarian & Rarities". 463 Searchable Items.

[004396] Mandiargues, Andre Pieyre De."Blaze of Embers". London: Calder and Boyars , 1971. First Thus. In English. 128 pp mint (as new) black cloth gilt, gilt very bright. In decorated white and orange DW. DW condition: Very Good indeed. Contains "Rodogune"., "The Diamond".,"The Stone Girls"., etc. Scarce. Translated from the French by April Fitzlyon. [André Pieyre de Mandiargues (14 March 1909 - 13 December 1991) was a French writer born in Paris. He became an associate of the Surrealists and married the Italian painter Bona Tibertelli de Pisis (a niece of the Italian metaphysical painter Count Filippo Tibertelli de Pisis). He was a particularly close friend of the painter Leonor Fini. His book "Feu de Braise" (1959) was published in 1971 in an English translation, and this is what we offer here]. £65.00
Click Here for Our Catalogue 2. "Erotica Curiosa & Ephemera". 41 Searchable Items.

[002638] Stegner, Wallace. "Remembering Laughter". London: William Heinemann Ltd, 1937. First Edition. Little, Brown & Co. $2500 Prize Novel. Winner from 1340 manuscripts. Rare as UK First. Very good copy indeed, in original DW. Ffep inscribed "P Anne Randell" in a bold hand. Some very faint foxing to prelims. DW has 1" closed tear across spine with no loss. Rear of DW has 10% loss unaffecting any text. DW could easily be invisibly repaired. Photos available. Please enquire. £95.00
Click Here for Our Catalogue 3. "First Editions & Limited Editions". 83 Searchable Items.

[004466] Farnol Jeffery (association copy). "The Broad Highway. A Romance of Kent". ill. C E Brock. London: SAmpson Low, 1912. First Edition. Lovely presentation copy of author's first title. Beautifully bound in highly gilt decorated boards. Gilt very bright. Vignette inlay laid on top board of lady. Twenty-four tissue guarded colour illustrations by Brock, 493 pp. But, this copy with wonderful dedication in author's own hand, in black ink "To: our kind friend Mrs Lauchlan MacLean Watt with love and good wishes from: Blanche + Jeffery Farnol. March 23. 14". [Lauchlan MacLean Watt, 1867 1957, was the minister of Glasgow Cathedral from 1923 to 1934, and the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in 1933. He was a published poet and author, and respected as a literary critic. The "Blanche" of the dedication is Farnol's first wife, and in this instance she has signed it herself with a different pen]. £195.00
Click Here for Our Catalogue 4. "Signed and Association". 154 Searchable Items.

[002721] Rushworth & Dreaper. "Antique Musical Instruments" (a collection). Liverpool: Rushworth & Dreaper Ltd, First Thus. Three Items. Good only with some wear and fraying at edges. 1). "The Rushworth & Draper Permanent Collection of Antique Musical Instruments". 12 pp in soft wrap. all Original. 2). "The Rushworth & Draper Permanent Col;lection of Antique Musical Instruments and Historical Manuscripts". 28 pp stapled but pages loose, with all illustrations as tipped in photos. Printed in red and black. Top cover paaste down title. 3). "Violins, Vioncellos, Double Basses & all things Pertaining thereto". Landscape format, copiously illustrated with all prices. 71 pp. spine tied with red silk. All undated, but 1900-1920. Sold as one lot. £34.00
Click Here for our Catalogue 5. "Art Poetry Music & Plays". 81 Searchable Iterms.

[003026] Neuburg, Victor (association copy). "Vickybird". London.: Polytechnic of North London, 1983. First Edition.. As New. A memoir of Victor Benjamin Neuburg (6 May 1883 - 30 May 1940), but by his son Victor Edward Neuburg (1924-1996), former staff member at The Polytechnic of North London. This copy is mint in cream soft cover wrap, Fourteen pages. Signed by Author. Top cover decorated with Neuburg portrait in red and brown. [Victor Benjamin Neuburg was an English poet and writer. He also wrote on the subjects of theosophy and occultism. He was an associate of Aleister Crowley and the publisher of the early works of Pamela Hansford Johnson and Dylan Thomas. From 1916 to 1919 Neuburg served in the army in World War I, and then lived in Steyning, Sussex, where he ran a small and much respected press, The Vine Press. In 1933 Neuburg edited a section called The Poet's Corner in the British newspaper The Sunday Referee. This encouraged new talent by awarding weekly prizes. A group of talented young writers and poets grew up around Neuburg. He gave an award to a then-unknown poet named Dylan Thomas. As a result of Neuburg's enthusiasm, the publisher of the Sunday Referee sponsored the first book of poems by Dylan Thomas, titled "18 Poems". The first publication is now a prized collector's item]. £26.00
Click Here for Our Catalogue 6 "Magic Occult Mysticism & Religions". 25 Searchable Items".

[005061] . Parliamentary Debates. Official Reports. Fifth Series. House of Commons (a long run). London: H.M.S.O., All First Editions. Eighty-one volumes in total. 4.7 meters shelf run. Weight 112 kilograms. Vols 427 to 560 all uniformly bound. 1950 to 1957. This collection is located in Blanford Forum, Dorset, from where it needs be collected, either in person, or by purchaser arranging packing and courier collection. Every assistance will be given. Further information on request. Thank You. £95.00 !!! The Lot.
Click Here for our Catalogue 7. "Sets Collections and Bound Editions". 171 Searchable Iterms.

[002374] Chenu, Henri. Leon Fusier 1851-1901. "Un Comique Amienois". Amiens: Librairie Edgar Malfere., 1929. First Edition. 48 pp. Slim 8vo. In French. With 27 illustrations (gravures) in the text. Original stiff printed wrappers. With flamboyant presentation inscription from the author to J.G. Prodhomme (Prod'homme). "A Monsieur J.G. Prodhomme. En souvenir de la visite ou 20 Dec, 1932. H. Chenu". Scarce. £24.00
Click Here for our Catalogue 8. "Foreign Language Editions". 54 Searchable Items.

[004494] . Royal Signals. "Signal Service Depot. Poona 1918" (photo original). An original B & W photo, 9 x 11 inches, in carved wood original frame. Legend reads: "Sergt's Mess. Signal Service Depot. Poona 1918" showing seventy-six uniformed soldiers. In very good condition and without blemish. £26.00
Click Here for our Catalogue 9. "History and Military". 48 Searchable Items.

[002803] . "The Death and Burial of Cock Robin". London and Edinburgh.: Nelson. , 1864. First. Very Rare. One copy located in Opie Collection (Bodleian). Top cover embossed (faintly) "Nelson's Oil Colour Picture Books for the Nursery". Eight leaves, sixteen sides, to include top and rear covers. Nine by eleven inches. Four full page chromolithographs, with text in verse opposite. Cover title and vignette in oil colour also. This copy with original stitching but all edges in pink silk. We are uncertain if this silk is original. The Opie Collection listings show this as one of four titles, the others being: (1) "The Pig in its Cradle and Other Rhymes", (2) "Three Good Friends", and (3) "History of Tom Thumb". The four large chromos we would class as VG/F, The text good only. The pale torquoise covers, very worn and soiled with 5% loss. £125.00
Click Here for our Catalogue 10. "Childrens and Illustrated". 70 Searchable Items.