To Contact Us, or Reach Us

To reach us By train from London Waterloo Station
Take the Exeter St. David's train, operated by South West Trains. Get off at Axminster station (approx. 2 1/2 hours). Take the No. 31 bus from outside the station (hourly service; the bus destination is Weymouth). The journey is 25 minutes to Lyme Regis. Get off at the bus-stop by the town post-office in Broad Street.
Alternatively, from Waterloo, take the Weymouth train. Get off at Dorchester South station. Take the No. 31 bus (the destination is Axminster) from the station. The journey is about one hour to Lyme Regis, through picturesque countryside.
Our bookshop and B&B is just opposite the town-square bus-stop and the new Town Clock at Cobb Gate. On the map above, just below centre, you can locate us at the bottom of Broad St, adjacent to the "Broad Street Car Park".
By car from London
From central London take the A316 at Hammersmith. Go through Twickenham and join the M3 motorway at Sunbury. Proceed west on the M3 until Junction 8 where you join the A303 and continue through Andover until you reach the A356 to Crewkerne. At Crewkerne take the B3165 Lyme Regis road. Cross the A35 at the Hunters Lodge Inn and take the A3070 to Lyme Regis.
You will find us at the bottom of Broad Street, opposite the town clock. A Short Stay (2 hour) car park is next door. However, four Long Stay car parks are all within easy walking distance, and tickets can be purchased hourly, daily or weekly at quite reasonable cost.
65 Broad Street
Lyme Regis
Dorset DT7 3QF
Shop Phone
445815 (local)
01297-445815 (National)
00-44-1297-445815 (International)
After Hours
443653 (Local)
01297-443653 (National)
00-44-1297-443653 (International)
To E-mail Shop and Book Enquiries
E-mail for B & B Enquiries
Bookshop Now Opening Normal Hours
10.30 - 5.30 every day, Sunday included.
Maybe Advisable in the Depths of Winter (School Term Times especially..), to Ring First....

Watercolour of our premises by Michael Stride, local artist. Photograph from same perspective, below.
The Scenerary Around Lyme is Stunning. Click Here to Browse.

Here you see our premises, located at the bottom of Broad Street, one shop up from Arthur Forham's, as shown central in the image above. There are WDDC Public Car Parks both opposite, and to the rear.
To sample our Book Club. Click Here.
January 2023 Clearance Bargains
1. “George & Lynne” Original Artwork strips from The Sun Newspaper. All from the 1980’s and 1990’s. Only £10.00 each from Shop, or purchase online at
2. “French Lieutenant’s Woman” Film Poster. 1982 all original. 80 cms x 105 cms landscape format. Framed. 1981. Rarity. £125.00
3. Book & Magazine Collector. Nos 1 to 328. £1.50 each.
4. “Commando Magazines”. Collection 100 +. All £1.00 each.

Above: The Cobb, Lyme Regis, in the time of Elizabeth 1st. RETURN TO OUR HOME PAGE