The Sanctuary Bookshop. Lyme Regis Accommodation. Books Bought. Book Valuations. Book Searches
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To visit our new site on a major photographic archive discovery. Please click on the link below...
The Lost Balkans.
"Readers, lo! a well-meaning and friendly Website"
To read about our new venture in our bookshop for a day, a weekend...or even a here..
Photo Credit: Vlad Simion. Here, at The Sanctuary Bookshop, 65 Broad St, Lyme Regis DT7 3QF, it is now
Book Chats in the small hours. Our new venture for readers. Click here to view. Last Updated April 8th 2023.
Ours is a cosy and welcoming shop. Warm and comfortable and friendly. This is a shop that Jane Austen, Dickens, or even Darwin would have enjoyed. We are also known as The Books Bought Bookshop and, above us, we run The Booklovers B & B. All at 65 Broad St. Lyme Regis DT7 3QF. Telephone us at: 01297-445815 Email us at: For B & B enquiries email us at:
Please Scroll Down & then Mouseover the Green Left Hand Column You can then Explore all 28 Pages of Our Book Stock and Services
Have you Ever Slept in a Bookshop? One of Our B & B Bedrooms Below. To View: Click Here.
Click Here to View Our Art Collections
The Sanctuary Bookshop has just celebrated twenty-five years trading, and is to be found in central Lyme Regis. We opened our doors in August 1997 and this Website in January 2006 (scroll down and see below). We now have ten rooms of books on four floors, the complete range of Beryl Cook Cards & Prints (click here), artwork by Hundertwasser, Erte, local artist Brian Matravers, and Cat Art by Ollie Lett. We have a very good stock of quality paperback literature, in particular meters of Enid Blyton, Agatha Christie, Patrick O'Brian and P G Wodehouse. A reading room with comfortable armchairs, a cozy fire, a floor of books mostly £1 or less, and, if desired, some overnight accomodation for book lovers. Lyme Regis itself, (the Pearl of Dorset), lies at the very heart of a section of the UK's South West Jurassic Coast renowned for its fossil beds. World Heritage Site Status has recently been awarded, in view of the extraordinary geology, and its consequences in both shaping the landscape and its people. Artistic achievements rank high too....John Fowles' "The French Lieutenant's Woman" was filmed here, as well as Jane Austen's famous novel "Persuasion". So, please scroll down and explore our site and see what we have to offer, or visit us in person all year round. We guarantee a friendly welcome!

It's just a thought, but when you have explored our site, you might like to consider having a similar one of your own...? We did this thirty page site without any HTML knowledge, no web editing software, and with only a little help from the advice line at our friendly Web Host. To be frank, initially, we were quite sceptical, but they were opening page just like this can indeed take you only a couple of minutes to set up....(however, you will need your own domain name, but either we or they can help you with that). In our case, the complete site took us the best part of a week. This was due to the very considerable Booklist and Catalogue Art content that we needed to format and upload. What we particularly like now, is the ease with which anything can be added, modified or deleted. This is without specialist knowledge or expensive indeed just takes minutes and we update our site most days. It's curious, as well as satisfying, that from relative beginners in January 2006, our site now averages 450 visitors a day (our Book Chat pages up to 1100/day, when we hit on an interesting topic). In addition, we find we are helping people to get online and have their own web presence. If this all appeals to you, give us a call on 01297-445815, or 00-44-1297-445815 International. Or, you can just email us at:, and have a chat before you take the plunge. Alternatively, if you think this is for you, click on the link above and sign up for a free trial. You will see us, along with many other happy clients, on their Home Page (in the "blue" highlighted listings). Good Luck! Bob & Mariko Speer. Sanctuary Bookshop & Booklovers B & B, Lyme Regis, Dorset.

It's Never too Early to Start!

Patrick, at age six months...and one of Our Youngest Customers!
For Other Recommended Second-hand Bookshops in the West Country. Click Here.

Meanwhile, Just a Few Miles Away...... ....there was a major cliff fall in Charmouth. This was captured by photographer Richard Austin just a few days after Christmas 2015, and just a few miles East of Lyme. It made National and International news. The fall was a major attraction for both amateur and professional palaeontologists (see left hand image above), as the Jurassic beds here are rich in fossil remains. One estimate put the fall as 1000 tons and from normally inaccessible strata in the cliff face. Update: the image on the right is the same view captured in March 2017. Sea erosion has almost completely removed the fall. Centre above is a watercolour by local artist Michael Stride, capturing the same fall on the far left of the painting.
Major Cliff Fall at Charmouth. Click here to read the full story in The Daily Telegraph for Tuesday 29th December 2015....
Click here for Michael Stride painting gallery...
You can then Click Here for a brief guided tour of our local geology...
P.S. As you can see from the image above, the Scenary Around Our Location is Stunning. Click here to View a Selection...