Tide Tables for Lyme
Today's Tide Predictions for Lyme Regis are shown in the box below and to the left of your screen.... .
For more detail about the coming days, please Click the blue link below....
Lyme Regis Tide Tables for the Coming Seven Days.

Lyme Regis, Back Beach in August.....Bliss..!
Oh, to be lying,
On a beach,
With sand in my toes,
And the wind,
In my hair.
And only the sound,
Of the seagulls,
On high,
On a beach,
Under sunny blue sky.
The gentle caress,
Of the waves,
On the shore,
And you close,
Beside me,
Could I ask for more?
A soft sandy beach,
That goes on,
You, me,
And a beach,
So happy together.
Linda Harnett
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