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99. "Chatterbox". A remarkable collection of forty bound editions of this children's long running annual. Three are shown above. Volume Number 1 is present together with twenty-seven for which we have established publication dates. Thirteen are currently unassigned by year. From our researches it appears this series started in 1866 as a weekly, and finished in 1948. "Annuals" are thus bound up volumes of the "Weeklies" produced by the Founder and First Editor : J. Erskine Clarke. The series was published for the propietors by Wells Gardner, Darton & Co. In our case, we suspect this is a complete run of the first forty years of publication. There appears to be no "reference set" online, showing cover image against year of publication. If anyone can direct us to this we would be most grateful. The best source we have found to date can be found on this link in Copac.
98. [005201]. "Lord Minto". John Buchan (important Association Copy). Thomas Nelson. London. 1924. All original Fine hb bound in red cloth gilt, gilt as new. Top board embossed in gilt "Non Eget Arcu" (He Does not Need the Bow). Volume in Very Good all original dust wrapper, plain grey with red border rules. This copy inscribed in ink on ffep: "Presented to W. Pitt by Jn. Minto". In memory of his faithful services in Canada. 1900". So here we have the subject of the biography, age 55, Gilbert John Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound, 4th Earl of Minto KG GCSI GCMG GCIE PC , 1845 - 1914, making the dedication. He was a British aristocrat and politician who served as Governor General of Canada, the eighth since Canadian Confederation, and as Viceroy and Governor-General of India, the country's 17th. He was Govenor General of Canada from November 1898 to December 1904, so still in post at the time of this presentation gift. The author of the book John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, GCMG, GCVO, CH, PC , 1875 - 1940, was a Scottish novelist, historian, and Unionist politician who also served as Governor General of Canada from 1935 to 1940, the 15th since Canadian Confederation. At the time of this book's publication (1924), he was living in Elsfield and had become president of the Scottish Historical Society and a trustee of the National Library of Scotland, Loosely inserted is a two sided manuscript letter dated "Feb (or Sep) '25" from "J & Mary Minto"..and addressed to "Pitt". The letter reads: "Pitt. I have much pleasure in sending you his Lordship's Memoir which I feel sure will interest you and remind you of happy years in Canada. I am sure you remember that terrible wet drive in the police wagon from Batoche to Edmonton when His Lordship did his 400 mile ride - you got wet through. I believe his old yellow smock which you wore is still at hounds. You know Lady Eileen lives now in East Africa. I hope to go and see her this autumn. My son has two darling little girls and they are very happy at hounds. I am glad to hear you are well. I hope I may see you again some day. J & Mary Minto". [See also our ABE Listing: # 005200 "Lewis Carroll" from the same Provenence]. More details on request, with pleasure]. A second letter is also loosely inserted, three sides, undated but much earlier, and largely indecipherable. See also our ABE Listings: # 005200, # 005202 & # 005203, Lewis Carroll, Mrs Bray & Wm Thayer respectively, all from the same Pitt family provenence. £245.00.

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97. [005046]. "The Compleat Angler". Walton, Isaac & Charles Cotton. 1759. The Third Edition, Improved with Notes. Bound in two parts. 216 pp + 123 pp but continuously paginated. Part 11 "The Compleat Angler. Being Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream". Pages A - D only of Index bound in. This copy commences with a ten page "The Editor's Preface", over the printed signature "Moses Browne. Olney, Bucks, August 30,1759", then a further four page "Postscript", signed "M.B". Full page woodcut frontispiece facing page A of Part 1 then eight further full page woodcuts, plus sixteen vignette illustrations (fifteen of fish). Page 174 shows a full page music score for two voices "The Angler's Catch" by Mr. H. Lawes. The provenance here is particularly interesting. The book comes from the library of the Manor House (see below) in the two day Rousdon Estate Sale of 1999 (originally the seat of the Peek Family, but from 1938 to 1999 Alhallows School), then via the collection of the closest living relative of Jane Austen. For more on this please see listing below. The book is cased in its original three-quarter brown leather binding, marbled boards. The hinges are tight and the pages of the text block show a little browning at the top corners. There is an early past down Title Label on the top board (see image). More information and jpg images on request, with pleasure. Thank You. £375.00. SOLD.

96. [005044] Roberts, George (association copy). “The History and Antiquities of the Borough of Lyme Regis and Charmouth”. Paternoster Row.: Samual Bagster, 1834. Second Edition. Subscribers Edition. One of 120 copies, including such luminaries (in the Subscriber's List bound in at rear) as: Miss Mary Anning, De la Beche, D Dunster, Mr Marder (of the Marder Bequest), and Professor F. G.S Buckland. HB in possibly later pale brown cloth gilt, gilt label very bright. 11 x 17cms, 336 pages. This copy with the bookplate of Sir Cuthbert Peek. [Peek, Sir C, second baronet, 1855 - 1901, amateur astronomer and meteorologist, born at Wimbledon on 30 Jan. 1855, was only child of Sir Henry William Peek, first baronet (created 1874), of Wimbledon House, Wimbledon, Surrey, a partner in the firm of Messrs. Peek Brothers & Co. (now Peek, Winch & Co.), colonial merchants, of East Cheap, and M.P. for East Surrey from 1868 to 1884. In 1884 he established, on his father's estate at Rousdon (local to us in Lyme Regis), a meteorological station of the second order, and in the same year he set up there an astronomical observatory to contain the 6.4 inch Merz telescope and a transit instrument with other accessories]. A very good copy with fascinating provenance. Purchased from Diana Shervington, local to us and descendent of Jane Austen via her brother. Her family connection to Jane Austen goes back to her two grandmothers, who were sisters. They were the granddaughters of Jane's brother Edward, who later became Edward Knight, and he inherited Chawton House, where Jane lived nearby with her sister and mother from 1809]. First ep faintly blind stamped in top right hand corner "F Dunster Bookseller Broad Street. Lyme Regis". N.B., Lacks folding hand-coloured geological map of the region as frontispiece, and folding plate of a fossil Ichthyosaurus, £65.00
95. [004989]. "Horizon Magazine". A Review of Literature and Art . British edition. Ed: Cyril Connolly. 117 Volumes. Volume 1. No. 2 (February 1940) to Volume XX. No. 121, including two double issues, lacking issue No. 1 only. All Very Good, apart from a little minor wear to a few issues. Very heavy. Door to door courier UK price included. Overseas interest please contact us for shipping quote to your instructions. Thank You. £195.00
94. [004965]. "A Geological Map of England, Wales and Part of Scotland". J & C Walker. 1838. All original and in its original slipcase (!) 1838 mounted on linen, 67 cms x 102 cms, hand coloured and dissected into twenty-five sections each panel 12 cms x 21 cms. Both map a slipcase in remarkable state of preservation for 180 years and a considerable rarity. Cartouche legend: "A Geological Map of England, Wales and Part of Scotland, Showing also the Inland Navigation with the Railroads & Principal Roads". See image. Image curvature due to lens distortion. Some very faint foxing just above North Wales & Anglesey. £750.00. SOLD.

93. [004827]. Memoir of Robert Bowne Minturn (important Churchill related Association Copy). 353 pages HB all original in red boards gilt. All edges gilt. "Printed for Private Circulation". Full page original photo portrait of R B Minturn, tissue protected. his copy with extensive family notes and annotations on ffep. as follows: These fall into three periods: (1). Dated 17th August 1879 "Francis Churchill Quicke from his affectionate Grandmother A. M. Minturn". (2). "A. H. M. Sinclair from his Mother's and Grandfather's Old Friend. C.N.L (?)., and (3). "Given to Robert Minturn Sedgwick by Marigold Thurso widow of A H M Sinclair May 8th 1972". In addition a November 2nd 1891 (?) newspaper clipping is tipped in, "War Incidents" detailing the death in action of a Major Quicke. Alongside, in the hand of A M Minturn "Fell in Action. Oct 22nd 1891". Regarding (3) above "Marigold Thursdo" must be Marigold Forbes, who married A H M Sinclair, 1st Viscount Thurso, in 1918. [It's interestingto note that Sinclair entered the army in 1910 in the 2nd Life Guards. In February 1915 he was appointed aide-de-camp to John Seely, later 1st Lord Mottistone, commander of the Canadian Cavalry Brigade, then from January 1916 served for four months as second in command to his friend Winston Churchill, with the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, ending the war as a major in the Guards Machine-Gun regiment. After the war Sinclair returned to Churchill, now Secretary of State for War, serving as his Personal Military Secretary, 1919-21, then as his Private Secretary when Churchill became Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1921-22. Sinclair then entered politics on his own account, becoming Liberal MP for Caithness and Sutherland in 1922, a seat which he was to hold until 1945. He served as Temporary Chairman of Committees in the House of Commons, 1925-30, was a member of the Empire Marketing Board, 1927-30 and became Chief Liberal Whip, from 1930-31, before becoming Secretary of State for Scotland, 1931-32. Sinclair then became Leader of the Liberal Parliamentary Party, 1935-45, then during the war once again served under Churchill, as Secretary of State for Air, 1940-45]. £195.00. SOLD.

92. [004705] Baker, Randall. “King Husain and the Kingdom of Hejaz”. Second Printing.. Special limited edition of fifty copies only for the author. This copy number 20 and signed by author. 243 pages hardback in black cloth mint, in mint (as new) brilliant white DW. £16.00

91. [004742]. 1925. Brecht, Bertolt (association copy). "The Early History of Piccadilly Leicester Square Soho & Their Neighbourhood". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First Edition. Very Good / No Jacket. Author: Charles Kingsford. All original 178 pages hb in the palest grey cloth boards. 17 illustrations. We believe this copy contains a previously unrecorded Bertold Brecht's " B. B" Book plate (two others are known to us, each by a different artist). The bookplate from this volume, illustrated here, shows: a stylised stage, audience (XXXX), lights, and stage props. The woodcut is by Nicolai Nikolaevich Kupreyanov, 1894 - 1933, a Russian printmaker, illustrator and graphic designer, living from 1922 in Moscow and sometime Professor at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute. At the time Brecht the playwrite would have been just 27 and working with his collaborators Kurt Weill and Elizabeth Hauptmann on their adaptation of John Gay's 1728 "The Beggar's Opera" (now: The Threepenny Opera, Die Dreigroschenoper). In 1928 this opens at the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm (now: Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1, 10117 Berlin) and becomes the biggest hit in Berlin of the 1920s. From our research on the Stage Play, we find that Brecht has provocatively relocated the bourgeois manners to a Soho criminal setting! Note the rather obscure fact that the original sub-title of Brecht's reworking of the play was "Die Luden-Oper" ("The Pimp's Opera"). Connoisseurs will also recall the song "Moon over Soho" in the play, a cynical, albeit nostalgic dismissal of romantic love. Our suggestion is that this volume finds Brecht researching the Soho location. [Note: The Threepenny Opera was first performed in Berlin on 31st August 1928 on a set designed by Caspar Neher. Despite an initially poor reception, it became a great success, playing 400 times in the next two years. The performance was a springboard for one of the best known interpreters of Brecht and Weill's work, Lotte Lenya, who was married to Weill. Ironically the production became a great favourite of Berlin's 'smart set' - Count Harry Kessler recorded in his diary meeting at the performance an ambassador and a director of the Dresdner Bank (and their wives), and concluded "One simply has to have been there.". By 1933, when Weill and Brecht were forced to leave Germany by the Nazi seizure of power, the play had been translated into 18 languages and performed more than 10,000 times on European stages]. Further Jpg images with pleasure. All additions, corrections, and advice on Bertold Brecht re this listing, most gratefully received. Thank You. £195.00

90. [004763]. 1793. "A New and Correct Pocket Plan of London, Westminster and Southwark: with the Fares of Hackney Coaches to the Places of Public Entertainment". Magnificent very early map of London by J Drew, No. 31 Fetter Lane, Fleet Street. Price: 2 Shillings. All original folded in 16 dissected panels mounted on white canvas, each panel 10 x 14 cms. In the original pocket/pouch (at that time called a "Cafe"). Pouch with marbled boards, original title panel laid on. Map and canvas very bright. Original pouch showing some corner wear and small fragment loss of the laid on marbled paper. See images below. A very rare survivor in this condition. Further Jpg's with pleasure. £175.00

89. [004710] Freeman, R.O & J Lawson. "Investigations Into the Organization of Ernst Leitz at Wetzlar" (possibly unique association copy). London: H.M.S.O., First Edition. 1945. Fine 24 pp all original. Bound in pale ochre soft cover sheet, stapled. Typescript publication of The Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee. Report by Freeman & Lawson of a visit to the Wetzlar factory on Thursday June 14th 1945 (the war in Europe ended 8th May 1945) at which the following Leitz personnel were interviewed: Dr Ernst Leitz & Herr Dumur. The publication breaks down the structure, personnel, and company products, as of June 1945. In attendance are two U.S Military personnel: Lt Estler, Lt Noble. Six months prior, January 1945, there were 989 forced laborers, 643 of them "Ostarbeiter", predominantly from Ukraine, and 316 "Westarbeiter" from France and the Benelux. The publication details: CIOS Team no. 251, Target nos.9/14 & 9/31. Item No. 9., File No. XXX111-54, and was clearly for very restricted circulation. Page 22 features a complete Organization Chart of the Optical Works at Wetzlar with details of the twenty-three key personnel. The top cover features a prominent Warning re Patent Infringement. We can find no listing of this publication in any public holding. Superb provenence. Fine Copy. Further information and JPG images a pleasure on request. £175.00. SOLD.

88. [004573] Various Authors.. "The Watson Microscope Record". 1924. All First Editions. All Very Good. Watson’s Microscope Record. Four volumes in all original matching Watson loose bound binders (each issue retained by string through spine.). See image. The set comprises: Vol 1. Feb 1924 no. 1 to Sept 1927 no. 12.. Vol 2. Jan 1928 no. 13 to Sept 1931 no. 24.. Vol.3. Jan 1932 no. 25 to Sept 1935 no. 36. Vol.4. Jan 1936 no. 37 to May 1939 no. 47. Complete. This is the exceeding rare In House Magazine for this famous microscope manufacturer and distributed to staff. Each issue typically 25 to 30 pp, various authors. [W. Watson and Son was an optical instrument maker. In 1837, the William Watson business was established in London for the manufacture of optical instruments. By the 1840s, the company moved into lanterns, slides and associated equipment. In 1868, the name was changed to W. Watson & Son and by this time they were located at 313 High Holborn, London. In the 1870s, the company added photographic equipment and became known as a leading manufacturer of the Highest Class Photographic Instruments and Apparatus in England. Into the 1940s, the company remained at 313 High Holborn, London, England]. See image. Further information on request with pleasure. Price on application. SOLD.

87. [004567] Hack, Maria. “Geological Sketches and Glimpses of the Ancient Earth”. London: Darton & Harvey. 1835. Second Edition. 395 pp full all original red leather binding gilt rules. Gilt decorated spine showing some fading and wear. Two Title Pages bound in. The First Title page (presumably from the First Edition) showing some staining from contact with Frontispiece engraving, Size: 11 x18 cms. Decorated spine. Hinges tight. All edges and eps marbled. Nine Chapters with Plates, Maps & Woodcuts. Fold out hand coloured Geological Section of "Lands End to the German Ocean" illustrated here, plus two v. early woodcuts of an Icthyosaurus and a Plesiosaurus. Miss Mary Anning (1799 to 1847) and her discoveries: pp 297-301. A very good copy of a pre-Darwin geological treatise. Further jpg images on request with pleasure. £65.00. SOLD.

86. [004565] Stevenson, R L. "The Works in 35 Volumes". Complete.Tusitala edition . London. E C 4.: William Heineman., 1924. Tusitala, . All first editions. first printings, 17 x 11 cms and a 64 cm shelf run (see image). All matching full blue leather bindings. all top edges gilt, spines gilt, all gilt bright. All top edges gilt. All with silk page markers. Just a lovely set, complete as originally purchased, with two inclusions loosely inserted in Volume 1 as follows: 1. A 6 x 14 cms blue publisher's flyer: "The Tusitala edition is so called from the affectionate name given to Robert Louis Stevenson by the natives of Samoa......", then forty further lines about the detailed arrangement and contents of this (then new) edition., 2. A thirty-seven column inch Obituary from The Times of Thursday May 12th 1927, for Sir Sidney Colvin "Art Critic and Friend of Stevenson". Postage may be high as total weight with packing 8.0 kg approx. All Very Good. Some very light scuffing and rubbing to some spines. [In 1873, Sidney Colvin became friends with Robert Louis Stevenson, then a young man and an unpublished author. Colvin became Stevenson's literary adviser, and after his death was the first editor of his letters. Soon after their first meeting he had placed Stevenson's first paid contribution, an essay, "Roads", in The Portfolio. "Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes" by Stevenson was dedicated to him. He was also a significant editor of Stevenson's, preparing the Edinburgh edition of his works (1894 - 97); the Vailima Letters (1899), which Stevenson chiefly addressed to him; and the collected Letters (2 volumes, London, 1900). These publications made Colvin an authority on Stevenson's life and work. He also wrote the sketch of Stevenson for the Dictionary of National Biography (Vol. L1V.), and was to have written an authoritative Life, intended for publication simultaneously with the Letters, but was obliged to relinquish the task to Graham Balfour]. £275.00. SOLD.
85. [004561]. Marinetti, F.T. (F.S.Flint Important Association copy). "Enquete Internationale Sur Le Vers Libre et Manifeste Du Futurisme". Milan: Editions De "Poesia", 1909. Mille. F. S. Flint's copy. Fragile. 148 pp in Italian + Table of Futurists. Text block split but sound, Front and rear covers detatched with minor edge loss. Paper spine fragile with 10% loss. Magnificent dedication from Author to F S Flint on first free endpaper (see Image), in ink and in a flamboyant hand: “A F.S. Flint. Hommage de sympathie tres vive. F T Marinetti”. ("To F.S Flint. With my very vivid sympathy. F.T Marinetti"). [Frank Stuart Flint, 1885-1960 was an English poet and translator who was a prominent member of the Imagist group. Ford Madox Ford called him "One of the greatest men and one of the beautiful spirits of the country". In 1909 he would have been just 24, the same year that he published "In the Net of the Stars". The Manifesto of the Futurist movement. in Italian: "Manifesto del Futurismo", written by the Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, initiated an artistic philosophy, Futurism, that was a rejection of the past, and a celebration of speed, machinery, violence, youth and industry; it also advocated the modernization and cultural rejuvenation of Italy. Marinetti wrote the manifesto in the autumn of 1908 and it first appeared as a preface to a volume of his poems, published in Milan in January 1909. It was published in the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dell'Emilia in Bologna on 5 February 1909, then in French, as we have here, as Manifeste du Futurisme (Manifesto of Futurism) where it first appeared in the newspaper Le Figaro on 20 February 1909]. £265.00.

84. [004552] . "Nursery Stories" (An early Ladybird Rarity). Loughborough: Wills & Hepworth, First Edition. This is a thick volume, quite unlike any Ladybird book we have seen, measuring 19 by 25 cms, but 7 cms thick! There is no date, but an inscription that reads "To Dorothy from Uncle & Auntie . Date: Nov. 21st 1935". Also one of the full colour plates titled "The Driver" is dated 1933. The top board, illustrated here, has the words: " "Ladybird" Series. Printed in England". in the bottom margin. We can find no trace of this title in any Public Holding, but would welcome advice? It is known that there are no records of the earlier Ladybird Titles. The top cover is brilliantly preserved and shown in the accompanying image. Some plates very reminscent of Mabel Lucy Attwell. £195.00. SOLD.

Please Scroll Down
83. [004538] Brown, Mollie. "Merry Frolics". ill. Jacques Browne. London: John F Shaw & Co Ltd, First And Only. Lovely fresh copy of a rare unlisted title. Unpaginated but 22pp incl full page coloured Golliwog illustrations. 25 x 19 cms. Tale of a Golliwog who goes on a boat outing. Not dated, but 1920's ( a title "Animal Frolics" by the same author and illustrator is listed as 1922). Top board bright and fresh, and illustrated below with this posting. Uninscribed, uncoloured in, fox free. Prize award dated December 1931. £45.00

82. [004519] Various Authors.. "Bee Keeping. Bee Craft". A Large Collection.. Various, All First Editions. Sixty-Eight items of interest to bee keepers. Dates range from 1966 to 1973. All from one local retired enthusiast. We list the collection as follows: Title. Then Year: Vol no, if given: Then the number of issues. So, we start with "Bee Craft" booklets: 1969: 7., Vol 51: 1970: 8., Vol 52: 1971: 11.,Vol 53., 1972: 11., Vol 54. Total 37 issues. "British Bee Journal" Booklets: 1968: 2. Vol 96., 1969: 3: Vol 97. Total 5 Issues. "Honeycraft", 1972: 3., 1973: 2. Total 5 issues. "Beekeeping Equipment": 1970: 1., 1971: 2., 1973: 1. Total 4 issues. "Taylors of Welwyn": 1971/72/73: Total 3 issues. "Bee Research Association": June1970 issue "Publications of the Bee Research Association". Then: 1968: 1. 1970: 1., 1971: 1., M.A.F.F. 1972: 1. "The Menace of Foul Brood Deseases of Bees". Then 1966: 1., 1969: 1., 1970: 2., Then M.A.F.F.Advisory Leaflets: 1967: 1: 1968: 1., 1969: 1., 1971: 2. Total 10 issues, all bee related. Further information and JPG images with pleasure. £48.00. SOLD.
81. [004517] Hutchinson, Francis. "An Historical Essay Concerning Witchcraft". With Observations upon Matters of Fact; Tending to clear the Texts of the Sacred Scriptures, and Confute the Vulgar Errors about that Point.. St. Pauls. London: R. Knaplock, 1720. "The Second Edition with Considerable Additions". 336 pages clean tight all original, bound in full possibly later soft brown calf. Clean. Neat later spine label "Hutchinson's Essay Concerning Witchcraft. 1720". Eighteen page Dedication to Thomas Lord Parker, Sir Peter King and Sir Thomas Burt. Arranged in XV1 Chapters. Chapter V dealing with the New England trials at Salem, Boston & Andover in 27 pages. Rare. £295.00. SOLD.
80. [004518] Smart, B. C., And H T Crofton. "The Dialect of the English Gypsies" (an Important association copy). London: Asher & Co, 1875. "Second Edition Revised and Greatly Enlarged". 312 pp all original HB in three-quarter green leather. Boards plain green cloth. Five raised bands. Oct: 15 x 22 cms. Spine label in brown/red leather gilt. This copy of particular interest for three reasons: 1. The volume contains a very large number of hardwritten annotations, in the form of explanations and additional words from the Gypsy language. These are in two different hands; 1a) In black ink, and in many places clipped off the edge of the sheet by the binder, i.e., added by the annotator at the "proof" or "galley stage" prior to trimming and binding. Most likely the Author's copy. 1b) the later set of annotations are all within the page, and in pencil. In the section of the book devoted to the Gypsy-English Vocabulary (pp 50 to 156), there are 110 annotaions involving new words or explanation of words. 3. The Title Page is stamped "Beckford House. 20 Lansdown Crescent. Bath". This is a very interesting and important association relating to the famous English eccentric William Beckford (1760-1844. q.v) and his purchase of property in Bath. We refer readers here to the relevant Wikepedia article [Beckford entered parliament in 1784 as member for Wells and later for Hindon, quitting by taking the Chiltern Hundreds; but he lived mostly in seclusion, spending much of his father's wealth without adding to it. In 1822 he moved to Bath, where he bought No. 20 Lansdown Crescent (this copy offered here is from the Library of this house and is dated 1875, thirty-one years after his death) and No. 1 Lansdown Place West, joining them with a one-storey arch thrown across a driveway. In 1836 he also bought Nos. 18 and 19 Lansdown Crescent, leaving No 18 empty to ensure peace and quiet]. Jpg's of text annotations with pleasure, on request. £395.00
79. [004525] Connold, Edward T (Important Association Copy). "British Vegetable Galls". London: Hutchinson, 1901. First Edition.. This copy with four interesting author related associations, as follows: 1. Ffep author dedication in black ink as follows: "To Mr.., and Mrs.. Ebbs. With Kindest Regards from the Author. March 22nd 1902".., 2. A holograph letter from the author on four sides dated July 30th 1902 to Mr Ebbs thanking him for the receipt of various gall specimens., 3. A second letter dated August 10th 1903 on Hastings & St Leonards Natural History Society Notepaper, also to Mr Ebbs, thanking him for specimens and discussing their species. and, 4: a Bookplate of Baron Bouck "Teneo Tenuere Majores", q.v., " I Hold What My Ancestors Held". [John Augustus Bouck, a Baron of the Russian Empire, a.k.a. Baron Bouck. F.R.E.S., died on Oct 23rd 1911 and was the subject of a lengthy Trustee article in The London Gazette for 24th November 1911. A copy of the page loosely inserted. A well known lepidopterist, his collection was sold over two days at Stevens' Auction Rooms on 25th & 26th October 1938]. Edges uncut, all original bound in blue cloth gilt, gilt bright. 130 full page plates together with 27 smaller drawings. Hinges weak. Page 6 showing corrections in the Author's hand. P.S. There is an excellent appreciation of Edward Connold by Patrick Roper to be found at, as "Occasional Paper no. 13" (q.v.), and dated May 2011. £95.00
78. [004464] . "Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society" (a Large collection). Wisley, Surrey: R.H.S. Office, 1933. All First Editions. 117 isssues, all fine or better (mint). All as original, in pale cream wraps. The run commences with 1933 Part 1, and ends with the issue for 1946 Part 12. The run is complete except for the following ommissions: 1935 Pt 12 Dec., 1938 Pts 2 & 4 Feb & Apr., 1944 Pts 1-8 and 11-12., 1945 Pts 10, 11, 12., 1946 Pts 3-7, 9-12. The collection weighs 18 kg with packing. Further information and postal quotes with pleasure. £95.00. SOLD.
77. [004436] "The Motor". Original Car Road Tests, a Comprehensive Collection. London: Temple Press, All First Editions. A possibly unique collection of six A4 Ring Binders, containing 600-700 Car Test Revues, mainly from the Sixties and Seventies. Each is an original and neatly removed from the revelant issue of The Motor magazine. The collection is organised in strict alphabetical order by car Make and Model. The six volumes are as follows: 1. A-B. Fiat Abarth 850 TC to Buick Riviera., 2. Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham to Dove GTR4., 3. Facel Vega-Ford Mustang., 4. Gilbern-Lotus Esprit., 5. Marcos-Porsche Carrera., 6. Renault-Volvo. There are Road Tests for: A.C., Alfa-Romeo., Alvis., Allard., Bentley., Frazer-Nash., Bristol 407, etc, etc. There are nineteen separate Tests for Alfa-Romeo models, for example (both from The Motor & the Autocar). Whoever put this together was a completist., Possibly a garage reference collection? ["The Motor", later, just Motor, was a British weekly car magazine founded on 28 January 1903 and published by Temple Press. It was initially launched as Motorcycling and Motoring in 1902 before the title was shortened. The journal was absorbed by its rival Autocar in 1988. For a brief period after the takeover by Autocar, the name lived on, as the magazine was called Autocar & Motor; however, the name "The Motor" was subsequently dropped]. Eighteen inch shelf run in smart modern red ring binders. Please enquire for further information. Weight 10 kg approximately. Jpg's with pleasure. £275.00

76. [004402] . "Register: The Royal Australian Navy. 1945-46 (Secret)". London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1945. First Edition. Very Good. A magnificent black full leather bound volume of approximately 2000-2500 pages (unpaginated, but all listings are alphabetical by name of vessel and under three sections, viz: Steamers and Motor Ships 300 Tons Gross & Over., Steamers and Motor Ships under 300 tons, Trawlers etc., and : Sailing Vessels and Ship Owners). Title page states: "Steamers and Motorships of 300 tons and over, Steamers and Motorships under 300 tons, Trawlers, Tugs, Dredgers, etc., Sailing Vessels, Lists of Ship Owners, etc..". The top board is blocked in gilt "2892. Lloyd's Register of Shipping. London. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY. 1945-46. Register". Laid into the top right hand corner of the top board in bright red leather gilt "SECRET SEE NOTICE INSIDE COVER", 6 x 4.5 cms. The spine is blocked in gilt "SECRET". All gilt very bright. Top board verso, three notices tipped in as follows 1. "Lloyd's Register of Shipping. SECRET. The information contained in this Register and its Supplements is Issued under the Provisions of the Official Secrets Act, and/ or their Equivalent Overseas....then 20 lines, including..This book and its supplements are invariably to be locked up in the safest place available when not in use. Every effort must be taken to prevent them falling into the hands of enemy agents". 2. "In the Current Register....the issue of the Appendix has been suspended owing to the War". 3. A detailed "Notice to Subscribers". Dated July 1945. The item weighs 8 kg with packing and measures 25 x 29 x 11 cms. Further information and jpg images with pleasure. All hinges are sound and fox free. The last date on the volume reads July 1945 (n.b., Japan surrendered on 15 August 1945). A very faint early pencilled inscription reads "Extremely Scarce". Postal quotes with pleasure. £395.00. SOLD.

75. [004398] Montefiore, Leonard N. Goldsmid (an archive). Photograph Albums and Papers. London: 1924. All Original. A large collection, comprising a full suitcase, as follows: 1. Seven photograph albums containing an estimated 200 photographs. 2. Thirty items relating to the wedding on July 15th 1924 between Leonard N Goldsmid -Montefiore, only son of Claude G Montefiore, and Muriel Jeanetta Tuck, youngest daughter of Sir Adolph and Lady Tuck. 3. Seventy full plate and half plate original mounted B & W photographs of various Africal subjects and family. 4. Two copies of Volume XV11, No. 2, February 1962 of: The Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain "AJR" Magazine containing a lengthy Obituary of Leonard. N. G-Montefiore. 5. A bundle of correspondence with The Intelligence Corp Museum, Ashford Kent, dated Dec 1974 and January 1975, relating to a publication "Per Ardua Libertas" by Desmond Tuck of M.I.9, War Office. Altogether some 110 items approx, excluding the photo count in the seven photo albums. Weight estimated at 10-15 kgm. Jpg images and further details on request, with pleasure. The collection gives a fascinating insight into society events in 1924. Among the 200 wedding guests: HRH Princess Marie of Greece, Sir Arthur & Lady Conan Doyle, who gave a speech., Leopold de Rothschild, Baroness de Stoeckl, Admiral Ionides, H.E. Alfred Sze, Chinese ambassador to Washington..etc, etc. The contemporary press cuttings herein hailed the event "The Society Event of the Year". [Leonard Goldsmid-Montefiore, scion of two of Britain’s most noted Jewish families and himself a long-time leader in British Jewish life, died in December 1961, age 72. A World War I Veteran, he was educated at Oxford University and decorated with the Order of the British Empire for his war services. He carried on the tradition of public and charitable services of both families as the only son of Claude G. Montefiore, the noted theologian and philanthropist. He succeeded his kinsman, the late Sir Osmond Elim d’Avigor-Goldsmid, as president of the Anglo-Jewish Association in 1926 and became its president. Subsequently he served as treasurer and vice-president. He was a leader in the work of the Jewish Board of Guardians, the Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women, the Bernhard Baron Settlement and the Council of the Jewish Colonization Association. He also was associated with the Central British Fund for German Jewry and played a leading role in the organization of aid for German Jewish refugees who fled to Britain, from Hitler’s Germany. During that period, as president of the Anglo-Jewish Association, he worked for the intercession of Britain and the League of Nations on behalf of German Jews. The author of many reviews and articles on theology, he was also an accomplished lecturer]. £275.00. SOLD.
73. Match Box Tops. A Very Large Collection. Many early rarities. 1272 in all, from 24 different countries. All mounted by country in foolscap folders. £75.00. SOLD.

71. [004368] Krishnamurti, J. International Star Bulletin. Six Volumes Bound Run. Eerde, Ommen, Holland: Order of the Star, 1928. All First Editions.. Six bound volumes, commencing with issue No. 1 for January 1928, and ending with the July-August No. 4 issue for 1933. Fifty-four consecutive issues in all, with none missing and bound in six hard back bindings. Ownership inscription of "Suzanne d'Orssaud" in final issue together with a two page manuscript letter bound in to rear. Volumes 1, 2 and 3 for 1928, 1929 & 1930 bear the legend "International Star Bulletin, The Official Organ of the Order of the Star". The subsequent three volumes it is the "Star Bulletin, Talks and Writings by Krishnamurti". Four of the volume are bound in either orange or white decorated boards, with brown buckram spines. The remaining two volumes are in green buckram gilt, gilt bright. The volumes are as follows: Jan-Dec 1928, 11 issues., Jan-Dec 1929.12 issues., Jan-Dec 1930. 12 issues., Jan-Dec 1931. 9 issues., Jan-Dec 1932. 6 issues., Jan-Aug 1933. 4 issues. All very Good or better. Jpg's with pleasure. A remarkable collection. £595.00. SOLD. [An extensive archive of J Krishnamurti material also available. Please enquire].
70. [004367] Richardson, M. A.. "Reprints of Rare Tracts & Imprints of Ancient Manuscripts, Etc" . Five Volumes. Newcastle: M. A. Richardson, 1847. "Chiefly Illustrative of the History of the Northern Counties; and Printed at the Press of M. A. Richardson, Newcastle". Five volumes, all octavo, all in splendid matching three-quarter leather hard bindings. Hinges tight & boards without loss. Five raised bands, each spine with six square gilt lined panels, showing two red leather gilt ruled title panels. Spine gilt very bright. Marbled boards and front and back eps, all matching. "Only 100 copies printed". 13 x 20 cms. 16 cms shelf run. The collection is as follows: "Biographical" Vols 1 & 11. "Historical" Vol. 11, 111, & 1V. Title pages printed in three colours: Black, Red & Blue. opening page Volume 1 printed in five colours: Black, Red, Blue & Yellow. Volumes not sequentially paginated, but each famous family chapter individually paginated., e.g., "The Chronicle of the Family Percy", 43 pp. "William and Elizabeth the Learned Saronists". 74 pp. "Obsequies of Certain of the Families of Blackett of Newcastle". 42 pp. etc, etc. This is a rare and important imprint with the tragedy of one missing volume. Vol. 1 and Vol. 1V only, with discrete ownership inscription in blue ink "Edward Spoor. 1856". All fox free, all with engraved classically decorated embellishments throughout text. Jpg images with pleasure. £595.00. SOLD.
67. [004110]. A John Fowles Collection. Fifty-Six Foreign Language Editions as follows: All mint (as new).
All Hardbacks are with a mint Dustwrapper, unless indicated otherwise. N.B. This Collection Arranged by Country and Language of Text. Chinese: The Magus. Pb. Czech: The Aristos. HB. 2 copies. Estonian: The Collector. Hb. 2 copies. no DW. Finnish: The Magus. HB. German: Ebony Tower. PB. French Lieutenant's Woman. Pb. Greek: The Magus. Pb. 2 copies. Hungarian: Daniel Martin. HB. Italian: The Collector. Pb. 3 copies. The Magus. Pb. Enigma. Pb. Japanese: The Magus . 3 copies. Pb's with DW's. Korean: The Journals. HB. 2 copies. Mantissa. HB. 3 copies. The Magus. HB. The Ebony Tower. HB. Latvian: The Collector. HB. Norwegian: The Magus. HB. Polish: Daniel Martin. Pb. The Magus. 2 copies. Portuguese: The French Lieutenant's Woman. Pb. Russian: The Collector. Pb. The Ebony Tower. Hb (no DW). The Magus. Hb. Mantissa. Hb (no DW). Wormholes. HB. Romanian: The Collector. Pb. The Ebony Tower. Pb. 2 copies. Journals. Pb. A Maggot. Pb. Magus. pb. 3 copies. Mantissa. Pb. Serbo-Croat. Aristos. Pb. The Collector.Hb. The Ebony Tower. Pb. Mantissa. Pb. 2 copies. Swedish: The Magus. Hb. Turkish: The French Lieutenant's Woman. Pb. The Magus. Pb. Wormholes. Pb. 2 copies. £495.00. Sold as one Lot. Overseas interest, please contact for shipping quote to your instructions. Thank You.
66. [003792] Bouvier, Gustave Arthur. Celebrated Cardinals. Two Holograph Manuscripts. First Series: 1212-1557 AD., Second Series: 1560-1879 AD.. Two matching 8vo manuscript books. Each 16 x 19 cms. Each soft bound in black card with red cloth spine. Volume 1: Dated on Title Page, 1879. 43 sheets laid paper showing laid and chain lines, 86 sides, paginated in ink on each sheet. Title page in red and black ink. Then 40 Cardinals starting with Stephen Langton. 1212. (S. Chrysogonus) and concluding with William Peto (1557). Each with a page or page and a half of descriptive text below their respective Heraldic Arms, each of these carefully drawn and illuminated in colour with great skill. Volume 2: Dated on the Title Page, 1880. 42 sheets, sequentially paginated 41 to 82 from Volume 1. Title Page in red and black ink. "Celebrated Cardinals Second Series 1560-1879". This series commences with Count Carlo Borromeo, 1560, and concludes with Louis Francais Desire Edouard Pie, 1879. The rear two sheets of this volume show "A List of All The English Cardinals", together with a Chronological Index. Both volumes have the Visiting card of "Herbert J Pitt" tipped in the top board verso. Volume 1 has a clipping from an old catalogue tipped in describing the two volumes as follows "Item 66. Celebrated Cardinals 1212-1557 & 1560-1879. 2 vols by Gustave A Bouvier 1879 and 1880. Clean and fox free. 8vo. 80 sides plus Index, 80 arms all drawn and illuminated (in colour) with great skill". [See also our listing # 003793: Gustave Arthur Bouvier. 1887. "Blazon of the Archbishops of Rheims". Holograph manuscript, with same provenence as Item # 003792. £375.00]. Jpg images with pleasure. P.S. The V & A Museum list the following manuscript by the same author, dated 1885: "The Book of Cardinals from Pascal II, 1099 to the Present Time, with a Description of Their Armorial Bearings". Manuscript pp 1-249 & 188-311. As our two manuscript books are dated 1879 & 1880, we see them as precursers of the V & A holding. The book was never published. Jpg images with pleasure. £595.00. SOLD.
65. [004192] Martin Evans (Edits).. Model Engineer Magazine. A Large Collection.. Hemel Hempstead. : Model Aeronautical Press Ltd., 1952. All First Editions.. Very Good. Very Large Collection of "Model Engineer Magazine". One local Enthusiast's lifetime collection. All loose (unbound). 400 issues in all, as follows: Vol 107. 1952. 22 issues. Vol 108. Jan 1st 1953 to Dec 31 1953 (weekly) 53 issues, complete. Vol 110 Jan 7th 1954 to Vol 113 Dec 29th. 40 issues. Vol 114/115. Jan 5 1956 to Sept 13 1956. 37 issues. Vol 134. 17 May 1968 to Vol 142. Xmas1976. 39 Issues. Vol 143. 1977, 24 issues complete. Vol 144. 1978. 24 issues complete. Vol 145. 1979. 24 issues complete. Vol 146. 1980, 25 issues complete Vol 147. 1981, 24 issues complete. Vol 148. 1982, 24 issues complete. Vol 150. 1983, 12 issues, Jan 7 1983 to 17th June 1983 complete. Plus: Vol 151. 1983. Ist July 1983. Vol 157. Oct 1986 to Vol 160, Jan 1988. 30 Issues. Vol 166. 3 May 1991 to Vol 208 7th Jan 2012. 21 Issues. Very heavy. Several 10's of kgm. UK door to door courier at £25.00. Bargain. [See also our listing # 003360 on at £165.00: "The Model Engineer and Electrician". Ten matching volumes, all uniformly hard bound, as follows: 1. Vol X1, Jul-Dec 1904. 2. Vol X111. Jul-Dec 1905. 3. Vol X1V. Jan-Jun 1906. 4. Vol XV. Jul-Dec 1906. 5. Vol XV1. Jan-Jun 1907. 6. Vol XXXV. Jul-Dec 1916. 7.Vol XXX1V. Jan-Jun 1916. 8. Vol XXXV1. Jan-Jun 1917. 9. Vol XXX1X. Jul-Dec 1918. 10. Vol XXXV111. Jan-Jun 1918]. £150.00
64. [003426] . Book Auction Records (an almost complete run from 1887).. Folkstone.: Dawsons, First Edition.. 106 volumes in total, as follows: "Book Prices Current": Nos 1-64, 1887 to 1956 inclusive, 64 annual volumes complete + three Index Volumes (67 vols in all), all Very Good. Then "Book Auction Records" vols 52-85, 88, 90-93. 39 annual volumes, so missing vols 86, 87 & 89. All Very Good. Thus, our collection ends with volume 93 for the year 1995. Four meters shelf run. 132 kgm (sic). A fabulous research resource for following the evolution of the antiquarian book trade over the last century. UK buyers: we suggest collect. Overseas buyers, please contact us direct before ordering. We can then assist with obtaining shipping quotes to your instructions. Thank You. Bargain! £125.00. SOLD.
63. [004158] Grant, Francis J (edits). Rothesay Herald.. Parish of Holyroodhouse or Canongate, Register of Marriages, 1564 - 1800. . Edinburgh.: Scottish Record Society., 1915. First Edition.. All original, three-quarter red leather hardbound, 16 x 26 x 5 cms. Top board detached, Lower board present but not matching. Spine 20% loss with 20 % present but detached. , but retaining gilt title lettering as follows: "...Canongate Marriages 1564 - 1800., St Andrews 1722 - 1787., Canisbay 1652 - 1666., Wigtown etc. Lists. 1684-". Pagination as follows: "Canongate Register of Marriages" 686 pp., "Register of Births and Marriages for the Episcopal Congregation of St. Andrews 1722 - 1787", 28 pp., "Paris Registers of Canisbay (Caithness) 1652 - 1666, 29 pp., "Parish Lists of Wigtownshire and Minnigaff 1684", 72 pp. "Index of Persons", 32 pp., "Index of Places, 4pp. Text block sound and foxfree. Extremely rare. Worthwhile restoration. Ex-libris bookplate "Duncan Grant Warrand". [Duncan Grant Warrand of Bught, Inverness, Scotland. Born: 16th March 1877. Clan Munro]. £194.00. SOLD.
62. [003316] Curtis, William.. The Botanical Garden; or Flower-Garden Displayed. Vol 1V.. London: Stephen Couchman. , 1795. First Edition.. In all original full leather tree calf binding. Original red spine label. Completely fox free and with full complement of thirty-four pristine hand coloured plates, including superb foldout Plate 119, orange Strelitzia Reginae. Binding tight. Discrete ownership inscription ffep "I. Phillips". [See also our listing 61 # 003315. William Curtis. Matching Vol. 111]. £475.00
61. [003315] Curtis, William.. The Botanical Magazine; or Flower Garden Displayed. Vol. 111.. London: Stephen Couchman, 1795. First Edition.. In all original full leather tree calf binding. Original red spine label. Completely fox free and with full complement of thirty-three pristine hand coloured plates. Binding tight. Discrete ownership inscription ffep "I. Phillips". [See also our listing 62 # 003316. William Curtis. Matching Vol. 1V]. £475.00
60. [003738] Moreau, Adolphe (Signed).. E. Delacroix et son Oeuvre. Avec des Gravures en Fac-Simile des Planches Originales les Plus Rares (Association Copy).. Paris.: Librairie Des Bibliophiles., 1873. First Edition.. One of 300 copies only. This copy all original in green three-quarter Morocco gilt. Gilt bright. Five raised bands, spine decorated with gilt floral motif. Marbled boards and endpapers. Top edge gilt. 326 pp with Table and Erratum Page bound in at rear. Scattered foxing throughout text, heavy in places. This copy signed in ink on ffep by author Adolphe Moreau "A Monsieur Raidot (?). Hommage de l'Auteur. Ad. M". The name of the dedication is difficult to read. There is also a small bookplate, one inch by one inch, in the form of initials "A.M.R" possibly. Also loosely inserted a page from The Times Literary Supplement dated January 10th 1975 with a full page article by Anita Brookner "Dark Ghost on a Tilting Bed", reviewing the book "Delacroix: The Death of Sardanapalus" by Jack J Spector. Hinges very tight, corners and boards showing some wear and minor loss. £345.00
59. [004005] Casanova, Jacques. Memoirs De Jacques Casanova De Seingalt, Ecrits Par Lui-Meme. Complete in Four Volumes.. Paris.: Paulin., 1843. First Thus.. "Edition Originale, La Seule Complet". 12 x 18 cms. 598 pp + 568 pp + 607 pp + 580 pp in French. Marbled eps, green marbled boards. Half a dozen discrete factual margin annotations in volume 1. 12 cms shelf run. Half bound in all original green leather, four raised bands, spine heavily gilt, gilt very bright and uniform. All hinges perfect. A lovely set. JPG images on request. £265.00
56. [003067] Kuykendall, R S. The Hawaiian Kingdom. 3 Volume Set Complete.. Honolulu.: University of Hawaii Press, Three matching hardback volumes, all in dust jackets. Volume 1: 1778-1851. 453 pp. Fine. 1968. Volume 11: 310 pp. 1966. Volume 111: 1874-1893. 764 pp. Fine. First printing 1967.This volume with some v slight water staining to base of dj and boards. A lovely fresh set. £45.00
43. A Collection of Books on Eton School. 1. "Eton College Hymn Book". 1937. O.U.P. HB. Fine gilt. 2. "Eton in the Seventies". Gilbert Coleridge. 1912. Smith Elder. 293 pp HB. V.G. 3. "Eton Fables". Cyril Alington. 1921. Longmans. 86 pp. G. 4. "Eton Latin Exercise Book". 1925. Eton College: Spottiswoode. 349 pp. V.G. 5. "Floreat". Eric Parker. 1923. Nisbet & Co. 333 pp. Some foxing. G/VG. 6. "Memories of Bygone Eton". Henry Salt. 263 pp. HB. V.G. From inscriptions, these appear to be the books of the Eton pupil (or teacher, perhaps..?)...the Rev. R S. Rawstowe (or Rawstone). An unusual collection. Please contact for further details and postage costs. Thank You. £50.00
40. Forum Magazines (a large collection). "The International Journal of Human Relations". 134 volumes in all, including several "collection" issues. Covers all topics on explicit sex and sexuality. The earliest issues are from 1977....the latest 2000. Post at cost. £95.00.
32. [002462] . 1926. BBC Opera Librettos (a collection).. . British Broadcasting Co Ltd., 45 in all. All stapled. All in pale cream or pale blue wraps. Series commences with an un-numbered 32 page "Faust", dated Oct 15th 1926. Then continues with "No. 1" "La Traviata"..No. 2 "Rigoletto"...etc etc..until August 28th & 30th "Werther". We are uncertain if this is a complete collection....? Sold as one lot. £50.00
25. [002384] Stanley, Henry M. Cinq Années au Congo 1879-1884. Voyages. Explorations. Fondation de l'Etat libre du Congo.. Bruxelles: Institut National de Geographie, In French. 1886 (?). 696 pp 120 gravures sur bois, 4 cartes en couleur. Grande carte repliée du Bassin du Congo en 2 parties dans pochette. Magnificent uninscribed copy in original three quarter Morocco leather + five raised bands, gilt decorated spine. 3 kgm, 30 x 22 x 5 cm. £175.00
WE WILL BE PLEASED TO BUY ALL SALEABLE BOOKS. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE, OR, BETTER STILL, BRING THEM IN IF YOU CAN. If you are coming a long distance, then a call to us on 01297-445815 would always be appreciated. Thank You. This page last updated May 2020.